Browning Blr 243 Serial Numbers
I am trying to determine the value of a.243 Belgium made Browning BLR in nearly new condition. Bluing is excellent, wood is very good. Serial number is 20426 K71. It has a Redfield 3X9 wideview scope, also in excellent condition, and leupold one piece mount and rings. I found this rifle in a shop 20 years ago and had the scope mounted on it. It has never been hunted with and shot at the range only a few times.
I'd like to sell or trade it for a BLR in.270 WSM which would be a better caliber for my needs. • The Firearms Forum is on online community for all gun enthusiasts. Join us to discuss firearms of all kinds, gun accessories, legal issues and more.
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Hey guys I recently purchased a Browning BBR in.243. It came used with a Bausch & Lomb Balvar 2.5-10x40 power scope. It has a removable box mag, on a hinged floor plate, something Ive never seen before. Markings: The left side of the barrel is marked “Browning Arms Company Morgan, Utah & Montreal P.Q. / Made In Belgium”. The underside of the receiver in front of the lever is marked “15804K71”. The right side of the barrel is marked “BLR Caliber.243 Only / Patent No.

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Ads listed in discussion areas are prohibited. Hi guys, I have recently acquired a Mirokou(sp) Japanese made Browning BLR in.358 Winchester that will not feed properly when there is more than one round in the clip. The round under the top round seems to wanna push the top one out as the bolt moves forward.
I have found out that clips for these guns are quite pricey, being in the >$150.00 range if you can find one, so I hesitate to try bending the lips etc. I do believe the clip I got with the gun is the correct one for the older guns that kinda have the clip hanging down a bit and are not flush like later modles.
The clip says.243.308 and.358 at the rear of the clip. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please, stop calling it a clip.
BLRs do not use 'clips' and no firearm since WWII I am aware of does. The correct name for the piece of equipment you are referring to, is a MAGAZINE. Unfortunately, the old style magazines are a little on the 'hard to get' side. Take it to a competent gunsmith, and get him to tune the feedlips. Should make it good as new, and wouldn't cost more than $50 I would think.
If you are going to attemt this yourself, understand thatif you do it wrong, you can foul it up irreparably pretty easily if you go at it with the old vice grips LOL! Practice on another gun that is easy to get magazines for, (like a 1911?). Once you understand the mechanics of it, there's nothing to it. Basically, you see how the feed lips capture the cartridges under them?
What has happened is over time, the cartridges have done a number on the feedlips, and they have been rolled upward a little. You need to bend them downward and inward just a few thousandths of an inch (evenly on both sides) until they will capture the cartridges enough to keep them, while allowing them to be smoothly stripped by the bolt. Be carfull to use smooth jawed instruments, and do not kink the metal, or bend it any way other than opposite of the way the cartridges pushed them out.
Browning Blr 243 Serial Numbers
It takes some finesse. What year is your rifle? A quick internet search found POST 1981 BLR.358 Win magazines for $64.00. Is your rifle pre or post 81?
Browning Blr 243 Win Reviews
I posted serial number references below. I would first determine what year make rifle you have that way you can be sure of what magazine you need. Post and Pre magazines are not interchangeable. In Stock,.358 BLR Mags: Pre 1981 magazine seem to be harder to find. I have found a few for about $140 although at times they can be found for half that price. I can't help you insofar as figuring out what's wrong with your magazine, as I don't understand what you are describing.