Driver Tuner Dm 800 Clone No Ca Found Error

R01 CA NOT FOUND on DM800 HDse Help Pls! - posted in [EN] Enduser support: Hi. I am new here. I have never done any software or hardware upgrades and am no good at it at the moment, hope someone will help me. I tried updating my DM800 HDse from the menu in the dreambox machine itself. Aug 10, 2015 Had some luck. Figured i may as well dig an old computer out of the attic which happened to have a serial port and xp installed. Same issues again so i made up a fresh RS232 cable just to make sure that wasn't the problem and now thankfully I am getting some life out of it. Dreambox 800Se Dream Up Download. 5/20/2017 0 Comments Dream. Up Tutorial - Flash Dreambox - DM5. UP Patched DM 8. DreamUP Patched DM 800 clone DreamUP Patched DM 800 clon. Sunray 800se V2; DM 800 CLONE IMAGES. DREAMBOX 800 HD SE V2 Sim 2.2 NO CA FOUND. How To Install Dreambox 800 HD Oscam Biss Keys Powervu Keys Live Stream All Keys work 100% - Duration: 11:28. Goldsharing tv 6,948 views.
Hi Sorry for my crossing English. I've DM800SE (probably clone) with sim 2.10 on LCD i've 2nd failed. In DreamUp program has stopped on 'waiting for acknowledge' and on LCD i see ERR01 No CA Found. In Japhar Flasher i can write image to box but after reboot i have still 2nd failed. In NCF (v2 and v2.5) program has stopped on 'Finalizing Job Phase2.' And box starting but not detect tuner and after reboot is still 2nd failed.
Driver Tuner Dm800 Clone No Ca Found Error Can't Resolve
On imager ramimaher started from NCF i give error 'hardware could not be verified code 0x1800f'. I buy and replace Sim 2.10 but not new. In visual inspection i found broken R306 in near Atmega48P. And i don't know what next i can check. Please Help Log from terminal and screen from bios. I can not remember that a dm800se had a Atmega48P maybe you are confused with the U1205 M48PA, and there the R306 is not used, empty. So that can not be the issue.
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Nevertheless, about flashing. Maybe this helps. First upload the sim2.10 image file and when finished uploading, afterwards the boot loader. Of course when you use a ssl84 boot loader you need also use a ssl84 image file. Q: box starting but not detect tuner A: that is normal when you use a openpli file, even when the sim does not work, it skips the sim part and are going further with booting up, only the tuner will not work because of the sim card failure. Other image file may give other errors due a failure of a sim card.
I recently purchased a second hand DM800HD and it appeared to be a clone. (after a no CA found ) I managed to upgrade the bootloader 84D and have ran an OpenPLi image for about a month until suddenly the box gave the error no tuner detected, check tuner settings. So after a lot of googling around I came around this board, which has been super helpful so far. I've managed to check the motherboard voltages which all appear to be ok. If the box has cooled down for some time (couple of hours) the tuner is recognized again, but after the first error I am only receiving the EPG for about a minute before the failure occurs again.
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After disassembly it appeared that a cap had blown, which I've replaced with a suitable one, but that didn't help either. If I keep poking around in the tuner configuration menu it will GSOD rather quickly. What I think is strange that I am also not able to playback the recordings, it plays for 2 seconds and then the picture freezes.
The box is normally responsive and I can scroll through menu's and such. I've tried another (OEM Dream Multimedia) tuner and while the box boots and recognizes the tuner fine it still doesn't work. Since I don't want to kill my spare (DM8000) tuner I didn't leave it in for too long. If I do not assemble a tuner the box plays all the recordings just fine. Anyways, I have a multimeter at my disposal but it wasn't really suitable for checking out the tuner itself. I've used another guide from this website.