Save Game Digimon World 3 Epsxe
Sorry to ask this but I'm playing Digimon World on ePSXe emulator and when I tried to save game it successfully saved game. I continue playing but when I closed ePSXe and I opened it again and I tried to continue game I've noticed that my save game was gone. I did save again but the same thing happens. I just want to feel like playing again in ps and saving in memory cards.

My memory card location is right. C: Users Thiago Monte Saved Games ePSXe 1.8.0 emulador memcards epsxe000.mcr C: Users Thiago Monte Saved Games ePSXe 1.8.0 emulador memcards epsxe001.mcr. Contoh skripsi kualitatif pdf to word document. Well wish you didnt play that game. It is fun and all, but full of glitches including the DEATH SAVE glitch(which happens later on in the game). For now, use save states to not lose your progress, but to make sure your memory card save function is working right, try a different game, if it still has the same save issue ill try to see what fixes i can find for you. I am not kidding, i played it on a real hardware and after a certain scene it froze, i resetted and my save was deleted.
Digimon World 3 Guide
Jun 30, 2017 Selamat malam kawan, Pada hari ini admin mau memposting game seri Digimon yaitu Digimon World 3 PS1 dimana game ini adalah game terakhir dari seri digimon world. Game ini dirilis pada tanggal 5 juni tahun 2002 dan game ini merupakan penutupan untuk game console playstation 1. Digimon World 2 is a single title from the many rpg games, adventure games and digimon games offered for this console. If you enjoyed playing this, then you can find similar games in the ps1 games category.
Also had same issue on FF8, but couldnt reproduce that one ever. YES I know what a period is.and what it can do. My folder is labeled 'epsxe 1.8.0'. Course im on XP and win7 might function differently so maybe it might be a problem. A decimal, a dot, the thing at the end of a sentence.