Wag354g Firmware Upgrade Download
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Here are the release notes from Linksys site. Linksys- A Division of Cisco Systems, Inc. Release Date: April 05, 2006 Current Firmware: 1.00.15 Product PartNo: WRT54GX4 Ver #. Date Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.00.15 Apr 05, 2006 1. Fixed web interfaced for compatibility 2. Updated Wireless driver to fix ACE(Adaptive Channel Expansion) function 3. Updated periodic DFS ability 4.
Linksys WAG354G Firmware Upgrade This is the Firmware Upgrade screen from the Linksys WAG354G router. Keywords on The Linksys WAG354G Firmware Upgrade Screenshot The following words were detected on the Linksys WAG354G Firmware Upgrade screenshot. All official Linksys firmware and pluto firmware except where specified use DSL6. Released recently is DSP7 which has been incorporated in to the latest unofficial pluto firmware. There appears to be no stability issues going by user feedback in the above thread and on the upside, the obvious effects of the upgrade is that it offers a few more.
Fixed PAP2 issue 5. Fixed PPPoE Reconnecting for Belgacom ISP 6. Modified the help files 7. Fixed connection issue with PPPoE with T-Online ISP 8. Fixed some Voice applications for Xbox 9. Fixed VoIP issues behind the router 10. Fixed Access restriction using TCP & UDP at the same time 11.
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Fixed ACE function to disable, when channel is fixed 12. Fixed web Interface issue using MAC 1.00.10 Nov 22, 2005 Fixed concatenation issue when in WEP mode going to other mode 1.00.09 Nov 14, 2005 First release Check your user guide for Upgrade instructions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sometimes the firmware is there and sometimes not??? I am currently using the WRT54GX4 with original 1.00.09 firmware, working great with no problems. I fear any upgrades, from personal past Linksys upgrade problems and from what I read on this site. Does anyone have the download file for F/W 1.00.09?
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Or any other F/W up to the 1.00.15(I got off the Linksys site, I also have 1.00.10)? Or where to get them? I would like to try some of the upgrades but would like to be able to go back to START. Although, I too have the rebooting problem, in 3 scenarios.otherwise no problems. 1)Trying to expand my wireless range using an incompatible WRE54G, I am able to get it to work, but experience intermittant router reboots when downloading lots of data or clicking thru webpages quickly. 2)Same as #1, except I was trying to bridge another router to this one, again able to get it to work, but the reboot problem.
3)Had the WRT54GX4 and another router configured and working seperately from each other, but maybe too close and the interference caused problems the caused the reboot. Is it possible you have some sort of interference from another or a bunch of routers nearby? What about 2.4Ghz home phones?