Lair Of The Shadow Broker Rapidshare
Click to expand.What really worries me is that said transcript is still there even in femshep playthroughs, since my first run through was as a femshep adept. Which means Tali is bi. Or she's lusting after some other human. But we all know she's after Shep.
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How long is Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC? HowLongToBeat has the answer. Create a backlog, submit your game times and compete with your friends! Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker is a downloadable content pack developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts for the 2010 action role-playing video game Mass Effect 2. It was released for Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360 in 2010.
Anyway, I have to say that this DLC was really well put together and easily worth the money paid for it, even with the extra steps of converting it into bioware monoply money. Best Bioware DLC ever.

Possibly the best general DLC ever. In fact, my only problem was that Cerberus sent you the initial email even if it's postgame and you chose a paragon path. Since the devs made reference to destroying the base later, I think this was intentional. The ending felt really, really rewarding. And all the extra things to do on the ship even after you clear it are great. And I strongly suspect this will have quite important ramifications in ME3. The bossfights are nightmarishly difficult on insanity though.
Love the shiny achievement for beating it on insanity, but man oh man was it hard to get. Especially because they knocked out my second squad mate for the final boss. Just me and Liara is okay, but damn if I couldn't have used Garrus and his team AP ammo.
Click to expand.For me they were adequately challenging enough to be fun, but actually quite easy when all is said and done. I actually had way more trouble with some of the mook waves than against either of the bosses. But I was playing on a maxed out Vanguard, and while they are almost horrendous to play in early-game by the end they are ridiculously efficient. Especially in one-on-one settings. I had far more trouble on the Kasumi and Overlord missions. But that was more because I played those in, again, early-game.
Literally right out of the gate. It was a while ago, but I don't think I had even gone to Omega yet when I took on those missions. Plus both of their climatic battles are group ones, which the Vanguard probably isn't as efficient as when compared to something like an Adept or Sentinel. The only reason I died a couple times against the Shadow Broker himself was because I got cocky and: 1.) didn't take cover when I was trying to shoot the Cain at him; and 2.) My curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to try to explore the room while he was still trying to kill me.
Lair Of The Shadow Broker Download
Edit: Ohh, yeah, and on the Cerberus email thing, notice it says that it came from Cerberus Information Processing, rather than Cerberus Command or the Illusive Man, himself. While he likes to have control over everything, it could be that someone decided to take some initiative and decided to forward that without checking with the Big Boss. If that were the case, and it took place after the Paragon Collector battle, that Information Processor should probably be expecting a rather terse memo soon.
Shadow Broker Dlc
Click to expand.Yeah, again I think that really is illustrative of the differences in classes. For Vanguards the smaller the group the better.
With large waves, if I get surrounded or caught in the open I'm done for. Especially since most of my mitigation powers are only really good against enemies with absolutely no extra defenses (thank the Enkindlers for Advanced training and Reave! Though, I probably should consider trying Tali's Energy Drain sometime, too.) But whenever the group gets whittled down, it turns from a game of 'cover camping' to 'RAPE time!!' Sometimes after especially aggravating large groups, if there's a lieutenant I leave them for last and just Charge and melee them till they die. I found it to be immensely satisfying. Almost like playing ME2 for the first time all over again. Perhaps it was just the nature of the new locations, but I found it to have a much darker tone than the rest of ME2.
I haven't played Overlord yet though. Can anyone tell me how that stacks up?
Lair Of The Shadow Broker
Also: The Shadow Broker's nature was a serious surprise. I was sort of disappointed when it became clear what he was though. Did anyone else hear that ridiculously deep, even voice and think 'Shit. He's a Reaper.' I found it to be immensely satisfying. Almost like playing ME2 for the first time all over again.